Friday 1 February 2013

Which Mythic Morrocan?

Its safe to say we have all gone mad for oil! For a fine haired girl lacking volume, I wouldn't usually choose to use this on myself but as I've seen excellent results on my clients I have jumped on the band wagon!
I mainly use L'Oreal Mythic oil in the salon, its brilliant for all hair types - fine to thick, and can be applied before or after blow-drying. Retails at approx £15.95.
Morrocan Oil usually retails around £30 which some of you may think is a stretch but it lasts forever! (as does Mythic Oil). I got this on offer at Salon international, along with a travel kit with samples of shampoo, conditioner, hair mask and the oil for fine hair too. Its slightly heavier than the Mythic Oil however I've been using it on my hair and have been pleased with the results! The shampoo and conditioner were lovely to use and smelt great, but my hair felt extremely flat after ward! The mask has been fabulous though!

Do you recommend any other oil products? & are you a fan of any/all of the above?


  1. I daren't try oils but keep hearing good reviews, do they leave your hair feeling greasy? Maybe i should have a go with them
    Really cute blog by the way, following :)
    Would mean a lot if you could maybe check out mine?


    1. hey!
      thanks for commenting:) thats the great thing about these oils is that they don't! It all depends on your hair type and what you want to achieve! I would start of my checking out some oil in boots or superdrug (I've heard Lee Stafford Argon Oil is good too!) , then you havnt spent a fortune if you end up not loving it.
      Thankyou!! I've checked yours out and will be commenting shortly and following:)



I would really appreciate your comments:) Any ideas, inspirations, and knowledge are more than appreciated! & I will reply as soon as I can:) thanks!